What you receive

  • Estate Planning

    Combined with existing traditional planning tools, such as trusts or foundations or corporate entities, life insurance provides an effective, very powerful estate and succession planning tool.

    Premium Life insurance solutions can be prepared to determine the sum, when, how and to whom the wealth should be distributed, and to efficiently manage complex situations involving (i) heirs that are legally incapacitated or not yet at maturity, or (ii) divorced clients and/or with children from differing partners.

    In the event of death, it provides the beneficiaries with a cash injection to bridge the gap until the estate is settled and/or to pay any applicable inheritance tax.

  • Asset Protection

    The life insurance contracts of Premium Life offer protection against claims from third parties as insurers are obliged to pay the beneficiaries even against the claimsof creditors and legal heirs.

    The assets in the insurance contract are protected from any creditor of the insured. Assets’ protection achieved through strict legal “segregation of funds” requirements stablished by the 2009 External Insurance Act.

  • Tax Efficiency

    As opposed to tax optimisation schemes, Premium Life insurance solutions is a recognised tool which provides personal income tax and wealth tax deferral in most countries during the lifetime of the policy. Partial withdrawals and surrenders are often taxable albeit on income part. When the insured event takes place, the proceeds received by the beneficiaries are tax efficient or exempt.

    The life insurance policy is the preferred vehicle by a number of governments to incentivise long-term savings. This makes it a wealth panning tool which is globally accepted.

  • Investment

    Premium Life insurance solutions can hold a broad variety of assets, including unquoted assets like real estate, operating companies, and artwork to name a few. These assets enhance diversification of the portfolio and potentially bring higher returns.

    The investment flexibility can be combined with additional life cover options.

  • Simplify Reporting

    Through the implementation of Premium Life insurance clients can diversify countries and assets exposure as well as channels used to invest their wealth without the need to file complex declarations which are required in some countries when clients directly hold offshore investments.

  • Safeguarding International Clients

    Premium Life solutions can be designed, and further adapted as clients and/or their beneficiaries move to another country, to meet the local requirements of the jurisdiction(s) involved.

    Certain taxes applicable in some countries to financial assets held by resident high net worth clients when moving abroad, are generally not applicable with respect to the value of the life assurance contracts.

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